My services: Healing and wellness through art

  • 90 minute session

    Using art as a vehicle for wellness and healing gentle guidance will be provided through the act of writing and the use of art. The session will provide simple breathwork and a short guided meditation before writing and using art to release the feelings emerging that are asking to be let go of. This is not about creating a masterpiece of art. It’s about the process of release, reconnecting to your inner self, and finding a way forward.

    Each 90-minute session is tailored to the individual’s needs. Before the scheduled session, we will set a time to talk so I can best serve you in our time together.

    In-Person, one-time session, supplies included $140

    Virtual, one-time session, supplies are NOT included $100

    Session packages are available and are the most affordable. 5 sessions for $350

    The image provided is the art I created to process my emotions during a very hard time in my life. © 2021

  • 3 Hour session

    During our time together we will use cleansing and letting go rituals, simple breathing exercises, guided meditation, writing, Reiki, and art to process the feelings and situations causing stagnation to occur. Through a gentle space of listening, we will invite healing to enter our emotional, mental, and physical bodies allowing wellness to once again emerge.

    Each 3 hour session is tailored to the individual’s needs. Before the scheduled session, we will set a time to talk so I can best serve you in our time together.

    In-Person, one-time session, supplies included $265

    Virtual, one-time session, supplies NOT included $225

    Session packages are available and the most affordable.

    (5) 3-hour sessions for $650

    A little about the art provided…

    I created this art in 2016 while my marriage was dissolving and I was trying to find my way in the world as a single mother and woman. It was a very dark time for me and art provided a light in the darkness of my world, a transformative vehicle to find myself and rediscover my place in the world. I gently rearranged my pieces and emerged a stronger being in the world. I decided that my story could be rewritten and the same can be true for you.

    “Rearranged” © 2016

  • Grief Session

    This 3 hour session is focused on processing grief, With each healing art session breathing, meditation, letting go rituals, writing, and art will be used. This session is more focused than other sessions.

    Here is a deeper description:

    On December 13, 2008, I experienced one of the deepest losses in my life. I was paralyzed, standing in disbelief. It was through this heart-wrenching experience, I came to understand the depths of myself, the stages of grief, people, spiritual connections, and using art on a deeper level as a vehicle for healing.

    For most, grief is thought to be related to the death of a loved one, but the painful truth is, it's the death or loss of anything we hold dear to our hearts.

    I feel there are varying levels of grief or loss. Sometimes the loss cuts us to our core when other times the loss is felt but the pain is more superficial. Whether you're experiencing a loss so great it has shaken the foundation and core of who you are or a loss at the superficial level that alerts you to its presence; a loss is a loss and grief is grief.

    Maybe your life challenge has been a death and you are grieving. Death and grief are not limited to a literal death of a loved one, it can also be a loss of a relationship (romantic or friendship), loss of a job, loss of health, etc. Letting go of someone we love or the life we once had is hard. Maybe you are transforming and you are struggling to "let go" of your old patterns and having difficulty relinquishing control and surrendering to the process. Maybe your life is really stressful and you need a ritual to let it all go and reduce stress. Maybe you have a good handle on it all but would like a new way to let go of situations, feelings, challenges, worry, stress, anxiety, control, etc. If any of these resonated with you, then this session using ritual, ceremony, and healing art are for you.

    I’ve learned and come to respect that grief demands to be felt. It doesn't matter what the loss is or the level of grief you are experiencing- (a loss of a loved one, loss of employment, loss of a marriage, loss of a friendship, loss of a business partner, loss of partnership, loss of a home, loss of physical possessions, loss of health) .... Right now you are experiencing a loss that brings with it baggage, baggage that is heavier than what most baggage claims allow. The truth is, if you don't unload that baggage, you're going to carry that with you in everything you do until you feel it and acknowledge its presence and process it, because grief demands to be felt.

    I've experienced a lot of loss in my lifetime. Some of them I was prepared for, others came with a blow so hard my head was spinning. What I've learned is grief is a very personal experience, one that is felt and cared for with time and in our own way. I've also learned that those around us, may not understand our process and that's OKAY. Let me repeat that... that's OKAY. Like I said, grief is a very personal experience.

    During our time together, I will share my experience with grief, the act and art of letting go through ritual, ceremony, and art that brings forth healing and a level of self-discovery. We will use cleansing and letting go rituals, simple breathing exercises, guided meditation, writing, Reiki may be used, and art to process the feelings of grief. The grief session may need multiple sessions to discover what is needing to be released and for your own personal self-discovery.

    In-Person, one-time session, supplies included $265

    Virtual, one-time session, supplies NOT included $225

    Session packages are available nand the most affordable. (5) 3-hour sessions $650.

    Art shown is the art I created processing my grief of losing my mother. This art and the grief session described above were done in multiple sessions that took place over two months. The mixed media art I created during this time is called, “Rooted in Love.” © 2021

  • Grief Ceremony: 90 minute session

    Using art as a vehicle for release, we will honor your loved one through this special heart-centered ceremony. During our time together we will use a clearing ritual with sage and a ritual of release with the elements of fire or water, create a nature mandala with symbolic meaning, and use other modes of creative expression to honor your grief.

    The photo shown here is on the anniversary of my mother’s death in 2021. Through the act of ceremony and various rituals, I honor my connection with those that I have loved so deeply that are no longer with me in the physical form.

    I have been using these ceremonies for many years to honor those I love. I have found that using these practices allows for deeper healing, and provides an emotional release and outlet for my grief.

    A 90-minute session, in-person $95

  • Long Distance Reiki

    I am currently certified in Usui Reiki as a Reiki II practitioner. Reiki is a beautiful healing practice that originates in Japan 100 years ago by founder Mikao Usui. Reiki very simply means Universal Life Energy and this energy is used to restore balance within our body systems.

    Currently, I am offering long-distance sessions in 30 and 60-minute increments. I hope to eventually offer in-person sessions.

    Prior to your session, we will have a short consultation time through zoom to go over the session and any questions you may have. In our time together, we will connect briefly beforehand then the session will begin. There will be a gentle space clearing before Reiki starts. At the end of the session we will again touch base before concluding our time together.

    30-minute session $35

    60-minute session $65